Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Managers Responsibilities
Question: What are the reflective portfolio to understand different roles and responsibilities of managers. Answer: The first unit consists of nature of managerial work, which helps me to understand different roles and responsibilities of managers. In current business environment, a manager performs different responsibilities, which improves overall mechanism of an organization (Brown and Mitchell 2010). This unit gives me the exposure of managerial roles and responsibilities, which helps me to understand the way I should handle different types of organizational situation in order to improve my decision-making capacity. After going through this module, I came to know that a manager is solely responsible for managing workforce and conflict between the employees. Therefore, it can be said that a successful manager needs to adopt efficient leadership approach for influencing the followers efficiently. The evaluation of managerial roles and responsibilities emphasize that the job role of managers is time consuming and therefore, most of the managers work for long hours. Moreover, managers use to bring their work at home in order to fulfill their responsibilities (Collins 2005). From this unit, I also came to know that responsibilities of managers are hectic in terms of diversity. Therefore, it can be said that managers does have different types of responsibilities such as communicating with the followers, handling confliction between the employees and other operational responsibilities. It is the sole responsibility of the managers to communicate with the employees for obtaining information (Doran 1981). In order to communicate with the followers, managers follow different communication models such as verbal and non-verbal communication style. From this module, I have been able to understand the decision-making process followed by the managers in order to achieve overall organizational objectives. The decision-making process depends on the leadership approach of the managers (Graf, Quaquebeke and Van Dick 2011). If an individual is transformational, then he or she will allow the followers to take part in decision-making process. In this manner, managers will allow feedbacks from the followers in order to make the final organizational decision. On the other hand, if an individual believes in autocracy, then that individual will not allow the followers to participate in decision-making process (Thompson and Henwood 2016). However, this model helps me to understand that seeking feedback from the followers allow a manager to bring innovation and knowledge sharing environment at workplace. From the evaluation of managerial role, I came to know that liaison role is one of the most important responsibilities of a manager in which managers create and maintain relationship with the employees in order to increase employee engagement (Malmendier and Tate 2015). Apart from that, this responsibility helps a manager to gather information from the employee level stakeholders. Additionally, negotiation is another role of managers, which help to reduce organizational conflict. Managers communicate with the both parties and reconcile the viewpoint of both parties in order to improve working environment (Koester, Shevlin and Wangerin 2016). After completing the entire unit, I have understood that managers of an organization are solely responsible for leading the workforce. This unit helps me to identify my drawbacks while managing a group of people. Therefore, it can be said that this unit helps me to improve my managerial qualities in an effective manner. After going through this unit, I have understood that feedback is one of the most important factors, which improves performance quality of the workforce. Moreover, feedback generation helps an organization to evaluate both managers and employees performance quality (Liu and Wang 2016). This unit helps me to understand various procedures of feedback generation. In case of performance improvement plan, managers obtain feedbacks from the employees in order to understand strengths and weaknesses of the workforce. After that, managers evaluate the feedbacks for understanding the procedures of increasing performance quality (Ng, Walls and Wingard 2016). Moreover, managers also obtain negative feedbacks from the workforce in order to improve organizational performance. As a manager of an organization, I would gather feedbacks from the workforce in order to evaluate performance qualities and potential barriers that are faced by the employees while performing for the organization (Verba 2015). In this manner, I will be able to improve working environment along with overall performance of the organization. Additionally, I will be able to increase productivity of each employee, as they will be able to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Before going through this unit, my approach of handling feedbacks was something different (Shapiro and Stefkovich 2016). Previously, I use to communicate with the employees before going through the feedbacks. However, evaluation of BEAR and BET model helps me to understand that it is highly important to monitor behavior of the subordinates in order to provide valid feedbacks to the employees. In this manner, the followers will be able to improve their performance, as they will be well aware regarding their shortf alls. Now, this unit also emphasize on the sensitive organizational issues, which can be determined from the negative feedbacks of the workforce. The CANDID approach helps me to evaluate the procedures of handling sensitive organizational issues in an effective manner (Terry 2015). In order to handle such situation, it is highly important to seek innovative ideas from the workforce. In this manner, managers will be able to identify the actual issues and therefore mitigating those issues will be easier. After completing this model, I came to know that I should improve my communication approach in order to encourage the followers to share their feedbacks. Now, receiving feedbacks is not what helps an organization to maintain sustainability. Along with feedback generation, I need to learn the possible manner in which I can give constructive feedback to the employees as well. Therefore, it can be said that feedback is a tow-way communication process in which the managers and workforce both par ticipate for organizational welfare (Sundaramurthy, Kor and Pukthuanthong 2015). When it comes to the cultural diversity, this unit helps me to understand the possible procedures of communicating with people from different cultural background (Platow et al. 2015). In current era of business environment, every organization has adopted diversified working culture in which believe and faith of people are different and therefore, I needs to develop my communication skill in order to value feedbacks of different cultural people. The unit describes that a leader should have the ability of listening others voice in order to drive the organization towards success. This unit describes the importance of experience in leadership, which influence behavior of a leader either negatively or positively. Leaders in current business environment, create examples for influencing the followers. In this manner, leaders generally create benchmark for the followers (OReilly et al. 2015). The experience can be positive or negative in nature and in case of negative experience, leaders should share the experience regarding how the leader has dealt with that negative situation and how success comes from the determination. The major objective of this unit is to elaborate the usefulness of experience in leading people towards success (Brown and Mitchell 2010). According to this unit, an individual should extract the positive matter from a negative experience in order to maintain sustainability in personal and professional life as well. Moreover, leaders should encourage other people to learn from experience in order to be successful in both personal and professiona l life. When it comes to my personal experience, I feel everyone face a downtime in life. Previously, I was unable to realize the positive aspects of negative experiences. nevertheless, when I dealt with a negative situation, I was initially afraid and helpless. However, I tried to overcome the situation by focusing on the learning that I earned from that situation. I spoke to each and everyone who can guide me on that situation and finally realize that life has just given me the opportunity to improve my skills in terms of professionalism. The other aspect, which I would like to mention, is my interpersonal skills (Collins 2005). During my downtime, I have communicated with different people. It helps me to develop my interpersonal skills and therefore, now I can communicate with people from different cultural background. During that time, I learned from others experience regarding how they improve their personal skills in order to improve performance. Moreover, it helps me to create own exa mples for improving others downtime in an effective manner (Doran 1981). The major understanding that this unit gives me is how to communicate with own self. After knowing others situation, it is highly important to put own self on others situation and conduct a hypothetical analysis. It helps an individual to relate with the exact situation what are the factors that helps others to overcome downtimes. The above-mentioned learning that I learned from this unit needs to be related with real life leaders and manager. In order to be a successful leader, an individual should have the capacity of learning from experience. Thereafter, that individual should implement those learning while treating other people (Graf, Quaquebeke and Van Dick 2011). For example, if being discriminated is someones bitter experience, then that individual should not adopt discriminative approach in future (Thompson and Henwood 2016). In this manner, I would be able to improve organizational environment along with encouraging good practices within the workforce. Therefore, it can be said that this module not only influenced me to improve my own personal understanding, but also improved my leadership skills (Malmendier and Tate 2015). The interpersonal skill and communication skill is the most important aspect, which helps me to improve my leadership quality as well. This unit gives the understanding of ethical and unethical leadership at workplace. Now days, communicating with the followers are the most important factor, which helps the leaders to gather authentic feedbacks. On the other hand, organizations of current era are diversified in terms of workforce. Therefore, leaders need to deal with different cultural people. Additionally, leaders need to comply with different ethical considerations in order to maintain healthy working environment (Koester, Shevlin and Wangerin 2016). The research conducted I this unit emphasize both ethical and unethical leadership approach. In case of unethical leadership approach, the major issue takes place, is discrimination between people. However, a leader should not discriminate people based on their age, gender, race and ethnicity. In this manner, the overall performance of an organization will deteriorate. In order to implement an ethical leadership approach, an organization should allow both employees an d managers to share their feedbacks, which is commonly known as 360-degree performance assessment approach (Liu and Wang 2016). After going through this unit, I came to know that I should gives freedom of speech to the followers for improving the overall organizational environment. Moreover, I should not discriminate people based on their age, gender and ethnicity. When it comes to my understanding from this unit, it has been understood that a leader should attract the followers by trustworthiness. Therefore, implementing ethical leadership is one of the most important factors. Moreover, this kind of leadership approach helps to improve employees performance along with overall organizational performance (Ng, Walls and Wingard 2016). Apart from that, this unit gives me the exposure to understand my leadership trait, which further helps me to be myself while managing a group of people. I have identified that it is highly important to be own self rather than acting like other. In this manner, an individual can perform as per his or her capacity (Verba 2015). In order to give value to other people, it is highly important to compare personal values with the professional values. In this style, it will be possible to understand others values in terms of personal and professional values. In order to influence others, I need to be the role model for the followers. Therefore, it is highly important to adopt ethical leadership by identifying own leadership traits. In this process, I will be able to lead the workforce according to my behavior, which will never fluctuate in terms of communication skill. Furthermore, discovering my authentic leadership style will help me to improve my leadership skill even better. I will be also able to identify my weaknesses, which is highly important for a leader to influence the followers. According to this unit, an individual can improve self-leadership skills rather than adopting others leadership traits (Shapiro and Stefkovich 2016). If an individual thinks that a particular leadership approach is effective, then that individual should have the behavioral aspect to improve his or her own leadership activities. This unit helps me to build effective goals and objectives, which helps me to achieve my professional and personal goals in life. Previously, before reading this unit, I thought that my goals are efficient and therefore, I was not able to achieve my professional goals in accordance with my capacity. However, after reading this unit, I case to know that goals and objectives should be framed in SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable and Timeliness) format (Terry 2015). After going through this module, I have reframed by goals and objectives in which I have identified the importance of SMART objectives in an effective manner. Additionally, I have gained knowledge regarding realistic objectives. In order to obtain successful outcome, it is highly important to set realistic objectives. Objectives are milestone and related to each other; therefore, an individual should achieve the objectives in chronological manner for achieving a broader objective (Sundaramurthy, Kor and Pukt huanthong 2015). Therefore, every objective should be realistic; because, in this manner an individual should achieve each objective within the proffered time boundaries. In order to frame efficient objectives, it is highly important to allocate a specific time for each objective. Without being punctual in terms of time, it is not possible to achieve overall goals. This unit also emphasize that every objectives should have sub-objectives, which should be framed within short time span (Platow et al. 2015). In this manner, the activities for achieving the objectives can be measured. The most important factor described in this unit is teamwork. In order to achieve broader objective, it is highly important to conduct an efficient allocation of resources. In this manner, it will be possible to segregate the responsibilities depending on the expertise of individual. This unit helped me to increase my efficiency while building goals and objectives for a broad and small organization as well. On the other hand, this unit also described that goals and highly important for personal development. In order to improve my skills and performance skills, I should build realistic and measurable goals. Moreover, it motivates me, if I able to achieve the framed goals and objectives randomly (OReilly et al. 2015). In order to achieve my goals I should have the determination and hard working capabilities. Moreover, people around me can also help me while performing for a set of objective. In other words, teamwork and determination of own both are important at same extent in order to achieve broad organizational objectives. Summary After completing all the units, I came to know that a leader should have efficient communication and interpersonal skills in order to influence the followers. Moreover, a leader is solely responsible for communicating with the followers in order to gather valuable feedbacks from the employees. In this manner, it will be possible to understand strengths and weaknesses of the workforce, which ultimately helps to improve organizational performance. After going through this module, I have understood that building realistic goals and objectives is one of the important factors, which improves the overall performance of an organization. Leadership critique Introduction The term leadership refers to the ability of an individual, which helps to lead other people. Moreover, leaders are equipped with different traits and behavior, which helps them to influence their followers. In order to identify leadership, it is important to understand different concepts and theories of leadership. Different individual has different believe and traits while managing people. In other words, different scholar can define leadership differently. However, the overall rationale of leadership remains same. According to Brown and Mitchell (2010), leaders are in born and therefore, it is not possible to build leadership traits. However, Collins (2005) argued that leadership traits can be improved, which increase efficiency of a leader. When it comes to the leadership styles, different leaders have taken different approaches for leading a mass population. On the other hand, Doran (1981) mentioned that people can learn leadership from their personal experience. Apart from pers onal experience, it is also possible to observe others experience for improving self-leadership traits. The most important factor is to identify self-leadership trait rather than being someone else. Furthermore, Graf, Quaquebeke and Van Dick, (2011) stated that it is not necessary to have high level of education for being a successful leader. An individual can have the ability of building good relationship with the followers in order to make influential impact. There are different traits that an individual can have in order to be a successful leader. The traits depend on the approach of that individual; however, there are some basic traits such as determination and strong vision, which makes a leader (Thompson and Henwood 2016). Leaders of current era focus on the employees feedback in order to improve organizational performance. Moreover, if the employees are involved in decision-making process, then it will be easy to satisfy the employees. Transformational leaders utilize this activity as a motivational tool in which job satisfaction of the workforce can be increased. Moreover, the five primary behaviors such as inspiring visioning, coaching, stimulating and teamwork are the most important trait, which an effective leader should have (Malmendier and Tate 2015). An individual can improve his or her behaviors for adopting leadership abilities. However, the great man theory suggests that leaders are inborn and cannot be developed. It is highly important to have the basic attributes in order to lead a group of people. In this paper, I will evaluate two leadership theories by relating the theories with my personal leadership traits. This evaluation will help me to understand that in which leadership theory I believe. I will evaluate my leadership traits by explaining my personal experience while leading workforce of my own organization. Leadership Theories Transformational leadership style This theory of leadership emphasize that communication with the followers is the most important activity, which a leader should maintain. Leaders with this leadership approach are generally innovative in nature. In order to implement innovative ideas, these leaders allow the followers to take part in decision-making process (Liu and Wang 2016). In order to build an innovative decision, these leaders seek feedbacks from the subordinates. In this manner, leaders identify both negative and positive feedbacks from the followers in order to maintain workplace environment. Moreover, leaders with this particular approach think that leaders should have the ability of coaching their followers in order to improve performance. In other words, the overall performance of the organization depends on the employees performance and therefore, it is important to measure and monitor performance quality of every individual employee. Therefore, these leaders build healthy relationship with the followers for understanding strengths and weaknesses of the followers (Ng, Walls and Wingard 2016). Additionally, these leaders use to motivate the workforce with different motivational tools such as recognition, remuneration and other advantages. In order to improve performance quality of the employees, these leaders identifies the inability of the employees individually. It helps the leaders to build the training program for specific employee. Moreover, these leaders encourage innovation from the followers, which helps to improve organizational performance (Verba 2015). However, this approach makes the leaders more lenient, which sometimes increase risk factors for the organization. The workforce can take advantage of the leniency, which is highly disadvantageous for the organization. In order to overcome this issue, transformational leaders monitor performance of the workforce randomly. In this manner, the overall organizational performance can be improved continuously. Transactional Leadership style Transactional leadership is a leadership trait in which leaders reward and punish the followers for achieving or not achieving a set objective. The aim of these leaders to achieve organizational objectives for which workforce will be benefited with extra advantages. On the other hand, punishing the workforce is another activity of these leaders in case if the workforce is unable to achieve the objectives (Shapiro and Stefkovich 2016). Therefore, it can be said that employees under this leadership approach perform for a certain reward. These leaders focus on creating goals and objectives rather than seeking feedbacks from the workforce. The objectives created by transactional leaders are realistic and measurable. Therefore, employees can easily achieve their objectives, which will influence the overall organizational objective. Transactional leaders measure the performance quality of the workforce and depending on the evaluation; leaders try to identify the weaknesses (Terry 2015). Im proving the performance quality of the workforce is highly important and therefore, these leaders wait until employees perform poorly. This approach prevents the workforce to perform accurately all the time. In this leadership approach, workforce does not have the right to provide innovative ideas, which affects motivation negatively. However, the approach of reward and punishment tends the workforce to pay extra attention to the objectives. The aim of the transactional leaders is to maintain the current situation rather than implementing change. Self-perspective of leadership theories After going through both the leadership styles such as transformational and transactional, I have understood that both these leadership approach are different concept of leadership. The authors has created these leadership concepts based on believe and situation as well. However, my perception on leadership is something different from these leadership styles. My leadership style is mostly depends n transformational theory. I believe that individuals should have the freedom to share their viewpoint and therefore, feedback generation is one of the major activities that a leader should conduct (Sundaramurthy, Kor and Pukthuanthong 2015). Apart from that, a leader should communicate with the followers in order to increase employee engagement. In this manner, a leader can understand strengths and weaknesses of the workers, which is highly important for improving overall organizational performance. In order to understand expertise of the employees, I believe a leader needs to increase trus t factors of the workforce (Platow et al. 2015). I personally prefer transformational leadership rather that being a transactional leader. In this leadership approach, I will be able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the workforce, which is effective for improving overall organizational performance. Apart from that, this leadership approach helps to communicate with the followers, which increase employee engagement. In this leadership approach, I will be able to gather feedbacks of the employees, which is effective for implementing change management in an effective manner (OReilly et al. 2015). When it comes to my personal experience, I have observed that many leaders have adopted financial rewards as the motivational tools. However, these leaders are unable to influence the workforce as a team. There are some employees those who were happy with the leaders and the other group of employees was afraid of punishment (Brown and Mitchell 2010). Therefore, it can be said that transactional leadership approach is only for the efficient employees those who can achieve their objectives randomly. On the other hand, the other employees are not efficient and need proper training process in order to improve their performance skill (Collins 2005). However, the manager was not capable to build strong communication with the workforce. Therefore, it was not possible to identify the key challenges that are faced by the employees with low knowledge. From the working environment described above, it can be said that the leader has implemented transactional leadership. On the other hand, he was communicating with the workforce for sharing organizational vision. Therefore, it can be said that he was relying on both transactional and transformational leadership approach. However, adopting both leadership styles at the same time is not possible (Thompson and Henwood 2016). An individual needs to be either strict or lenient with their followers in order to make influential impact. On the other hand, the aim of the transformational leaders is to implement rapid change within the organization. Therefore, a leader can adopt some trait of transformational leadership while implementing transactional leadership approach. I have observed his approach and identified that he use to change his approach depending on the organizational situation (Malmendier and Tate 2015). In case if organization needs to make a sudden change, then transformationa l leadership approach is the most effective process. On the other hand, in order to maintain sustainable practices within an organization, transactional leadership approach is most suitable. After observing the above-mentioned leadership style, I find that transformational approach suited me the most. There are different scholars has evaluated transformational leadership approach. According to Liu and Wang (2016), transformational leadership helps to influence the workforce to accept the proposed changes within short time span. I have implemented this leadership approach for improving performance quality of my subordinates. For instance, I motivated a group of people with this leadership style and gain successful outcome. The followers were loyal to the entire process adopted by me. My transparent communication method helps the followers to understand my vision and objectives. Therefore, it can be said that the followers were interested in my vision rather than the added advantages. On the other hand, transactional leadership influences the followers with rewards. Therefore, the workforce tends to pay more attention to the rewards rather than the mission and vision of th e organization (Ng, Walls and Wingard 2016). I have created the mission and vision as per the capacity of the workforce, which makes the objectives realistic. Therefore, my followers can increase their efficiency while performing for the organization. Things, which I tend to avoid while leading the workforce is financial reward for increasing performance. In this manner, the workforce will be divided into two parts in which one of the groups will be satisfied and another group will be dissatisfied. Apart from that, the second group of employee will be unable to improve their performance quality due to lack of communication with the leader (Verba 2015). Therefore, the transactional leaders should not rely only on the financial benefits in order to motivate the workforce. There are different motivational tools, which a transformational leader utilizes for motivating people. Therefore, I would like to focus on the other motivational tools such as recognition, incentive trip and others. However, financial reward is similarly important because everyone is working for financial interest only (Sundaramurthy, Kor and Pukthuanthong 2015). Therefore, leaders should use both financial and other motivational tools in order to increase perform ance of the company. Apart from that, I always monitor performance of the employees in order to identify strengths and weaknesses of every individual. The transaction leadership approach conflicts with my leadership trait. In case of this leadership approach, the leaders are not proactively implementing performance development plan. Therefore, employees working under this leadership will not be able to understand the organizational objectives due to low communication with the leader. On the other hand, I believe that an individual should have strong communication ability in order to understand others viewpoint (Platow et al. 2015). Moreover, I will be also able to provide suitable feedbacks to the workforce in order to convert their weaknesses to strengths. Implementing transactional leadership approach is only effective for maintaining the current situation. However, in current business environment, it is not enough to maintain the current situation because the global market is continuously evolving. Therefore, I should adopt the innovation as per the current market situation, which will help me to gain competitive advantages (ORe illy et al. 2015). In case of implementing technological innovation, I should first increase awareness regarding need of change. Moreover, it is important to provide training to the workforce for increasing their knowledge regarding the newly implemented technologies. Apart from that, I need to monitor the performance of the workforce for measuring the extent in which the workforce is able to understand the newly launched technology (Shapiro and Stefkovich 2016). However, in transactional leadership approach, I will be unable to conduct these steps. Therefore, this leadership approach is conflicting with my thinking and behavior. I would not be able to influence my followers with the help of this leadership approach because people will be segregated into two different sections. Some people will be happy with my approach and some people will be afraid of their objectives and time limitation because of inefficiency. When it comes to the transactional leadership, one thing I like about this leadership is rewarding the employees for achieving a set of objectives. In this process, employees will be able to focus on their objectives. Therefore, I prefer to implement both the leadership approach in order to influence the workforce. In this process, I will be able to reward the employees along with building efficient communication. Therefore, understanding strengths and weaknesses of the workforce will be possible. In order to influence the workforce, it is important to build good relationship in order to increase trust factors. If the followers can trust the leader, then vision and mission of the leader will easily influence them (Sundaramurthy, Kor and Pukthuanthong 2015). The most important thing is sharing personal experience with the followers. This helps to create examples of critical scenarios and the possible procedures of overcoming the issue. In this manner, it is possible to create performa nce benchmark for the workforce, which helps to maintain standard performance quality. I tend to motivate my followers with efficient motivational tools rather than financial benefits. Therefore, it can be said that my leadership style conflicts with the leadership style, which I have observed. My leadership approach is transformational, in which I generally build friendly relationship with my followers. The transactional leadership does not allow the leaders to communicate with the followers, which creates barrier for the leaders (Platow et al. 2015). Therefore, I think leaders needs to understand the issues faced by the followers while performing for the set of objectives. However, I believe that an individual should have the flexibility to adopt leadership approach as per the organizational requirements. Conclusion After evaluating transformational and transactional leadership approach, I come to know that both of the leadership styles have different vision. Therefore, approach of leaders is also different depending on different situation. The evaluation of different leadership concepts emphasize that a leader should have the ability o communicating with the people in order to understand their stratenghts and weaknesses. In this manner, a leader can improve performance quality of the workforce in an effective manner. Moreover, reward management strategy is one of the major activities, which helps leaders to influence the workforce as per the organizational vision. On the other hand, evaluation of transformational and transactional leadership helps me to understand different kinds of motivational tools and their purpose. I believe that leadership is a continuous discovery own mindset. I understand that leadership is my responsibility and I should identify the basic requirements for my followers rather than just implementing policies and procedures. Reference list Brown, M. M. Mitchell, (2010) 'Ethical and Unethical Leadership: Exploring New Avenues for Future Research', Business Ethics Quarterly, 20 (4) pp. 583-616. Collins, J., (2005) 'Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve', Harvard Business Review, 83 (7-8) pp.136-146. Doran, G. T., (1981) 'There's a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management's Goals and Objectives', Management Review, 70 (11) pp.35-36. 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